How Much Is Antique Insurance On A Car. Storage is secure and inside an enclosed locked garage. To be eligible for classic car insurance your vehicle must fit one of the following definitions.
Call 1-800-360-2277 Monday- Friday from 800 am. With Grundy Agreed Value Insurance you get 100 of your cars value in the event of a total loss. States may also chime in about their rules and standards.
Manufactured 1990 or earlier 20 years old While these categories are well defined classic or antique car insurance can be written for a wide variety of vehicles so its always a good idea to contact an insurer to see if your vehicle qualifies for classic car coverage.
This is in contrast to the way typical cars are insured. The owner has a clean driving record. Get a classic car insurance quote and enjoy the ride. If too much of the car has been replaced or refurbished it will not fall into this category.